Not Just An Act

“A few months ago, I started attending Mental Health Partnerships, and it's been a tremendous relief to finally receive the support I desperately needed. Mental Health Partnerships has become a vital pillar of support in my life.”

— Keo, Participant

I've grappled with depression, anxiety, and PTSD for so long, lacking the necessary coping skills. My journey began when I entered the foster care system at the age of 14. Unfortunately, unless you have an exceptional caseworker, the system doesn't provide guidance on life skills or mental health.

After aging out of the foster care system at 22, I found myself battling homelessness. A few months ago, I started attending Mental Health Partnerships, and it's been a tremendous relief to finally receive the support I desperately needed. MHP has become a vital pillar of support in my life.

While I have family, I often struggle to express my emotions to them. However, here at Mental Health Partnerships, I can be my true self and openly share my feelings without the fear of judgment. There are a few individuals here whom I can always count on for non-judgmental advice and support. Remarkably, one of them was my counselor during my time in the foster care system, making her a constant source of support even before I joined Mental Health Partnerships.

The staff at Mental Health Partnerships genuinely care and provide unwavering support; it's not just an act.

The staff at Mental Health Partnerships genuinely care and provide unwavering support; it's not just an act.


Vernetta, Division Director


Dorotisha, Recovery Learning Specialist, Project Share